Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Homemade Mayonnaise & Tartar Sauces

Making sauces from scratch is not only easy to do but it allows you to create your own flavor profiles. Let’s take a look at some simple recipe bases that you can add your own twist to and make it fit your dish perfectly.

The start to any tartar sauce is a great mayonnaise base.
Mayonnaise is often referred to as the Mother of Cold Emulsified Sauces.
An emulsification takes place when two items in this case oil and egg yolks are bound together and made stable as not to separate.   

Homemade Mayonnaise
This recipe will yield 2 cups of mayonnaise

2 cups salad oil
2 egg yolks
½ cup lemon juice
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
Salt & pepper to taste

Balloon whisk
Large glass bowl

Add mustard, egg yolk, salt and pepper to bowl
Whisk until yolks are pale yellow
Add 2 tbsp. of lemon juice
While whisking slowly drizzle in salad oil
Add 1 cup oil and then add remainder of lemon juice
Whisk in remaining oil until thick
Adjust seasoning
Refrigerate until ready for use

Now you have a base for many different tartar sauces 

Large glass bowl
Rubber Spatula

Sesame Tartar Sauce

1 cup homemade mayo
2 tbsp. pure sesame oil  
2 tsp. sesame seeds
¼ cup sweet relish

Saffron Mayo

1 cup homemade mayo
1 tsp. of saffron powder

Spicy Remoulade

2 cups homemade mayo
8-10 gherkins chopped
2 tbsp. capers
2 tbsp. dried parsley
2 tbsp. dried chervil
2 tbsp. dried tarragon
1 tsp.  Cayenne pepper

Roasted Garlic and Thyme Tartar Sauce

2 cups homemade mayo
1 head roasted garlic
2 sprigs fresh thyme chopped
¼ cup sweet Indian relish

Cajun Spice Tartar Sauce

2 cups homemade mayo
4 tbsp. your favorite Cajun spice blend

¼ cup sweet Indian relish 

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